Course Content
Year 9 English
About Lesson

What do you know about war?

In pairs write down using a spider diagram about what you know about war for example the trenches and what they was like etc.

Writing task

Watch the video down below and make notes for your next writing task.


I would like you to write a short but effective diary paragraph as if you was in the war in the trenches but remember to keep aware of the senses what could you see, smell, hear, and taste.

Wilfred Owen

Who was Wilfred Owen

Wilfred Owen (1893–1918) is widely regarded as one of Britain’s greatest war poets. Writing from the perspective of his intense personal experience of the front line, his poems, including ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ and ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’, bring to life the physical and mental trauma of combat.

One of the most famous of all war poems and probably the best-known of all of Wilfred Owen’s poems, ‘Dulce et Decorum Est‘ (the title is a quotation from the Roman poet Horace, Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori or ‘it is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country’)

Watch this video of someone reading Wilfred Owen’s poem.

How does it make you feel?


In your exercise books stick the poem into the middle of 2 pages and highlight any language or structure techniques you notice label what technique is used and why you think it’s used.

“What effect does Owen create on the reader”

P – I think Owen creates a … effect on the reader..

E- This can be seen when .. (imply quote)

A- The use of … (Structure or Language technique)

C – Choose a word to zoom in on, the word ..

H – How does it make the reader feel

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