Course Content
Year 9 English
About Lesson

SCENE 1 – Out There
a) Watch the opening sequence of the film with the sound muted. What images and colours
are dominant? What kind of world is this? Which camera shots assist this impression?

b) Watch these first few minutes again this time with the sound. How does the music
change the tone?

c) What is WALL-E’s role in this world? Which camera shots guide the audience’s
understanding of this purpose?

d) How is the audience’s understanding of this world developed in the next scene?
SCENE 4 – A Day at Work
a) Describe WALL-E’s daily routine. What characterises his habits?
b) What does WALL-E’s relationship with the cockroach reveal about him?
c) How does Stanton want the audience to feel about WALL-E? How is this encouraged?
d) How is humour generated in this scene?
e) The discovery of the plant is a pivotal moment in this scene. Which film techniques are
used to indicate this?
f) At the end of this scene WALL-E notices and follows the red dot. Which film techniques
are used to develop suspense?

SCENE 5 – EVE Arrives
a) What is WALL-E’s first impression of EVE? Which film techniques show this?
b) What does EVE’s flight through the sky reveal about her character? What does the
music contribute to this moment?
c) Why does EVE’s first shot at WALL-E shock the audience? Of what does this remind us?
d) Explore the contrasts between WALL-E and EVE.
d) Consider what this scene reveals about:
i) Power
ii) Freedom
iii) Appearance and Reality
iv) Science and Technology
SCENE 9 – WALL-E’s Favourite Things
a) What are some of WALL-E’s favourite things?
b) Why does he want to share them with EVE?
c) Explain what the exploration of them reveals about both WALL-E and EVE?
d) What happens when EVE sees the plant? Why does this occur?
e) Outline WALL-E’s response to this. What does he attempt to do in the next scene? What
does this reflect about how he feels about EVE? How do film techniques echo this?
SCENE 20 – Escape Pod
a) What is suggested about technology when we see WALL-E trapped in the escape pod?
b) What film techniques are used to show EVE’s distress when she sees the pod explode?
c) Why is this an important turning point in the relationship between WALL-E and EVE?
d) What does this scene convey about freedom?
SCENE 24 – It Only Takes a Moment
a) Why is the captain surprised when he sees the images of Earth from EVE’s memory?
b) What is the Captain’s realisation at this point in the film? How does a high angle camera
shot and music emphasise this?
c) Describe the character of the Captain. What does he represent about the current state of
the human race?
d) The security footage that EVE sees functions as a flashback. What is its purpose?
SCENE 25 – Code A113
a) When the Captain gives the plant some water he says “You just needed someone to look
after you.” What does he realise once he articulates this important statement? Which film
techniques are used to reinforce his realisation?
b) Describe the character of Auto. How are film techniques used to develop his character in
this scene?
c) What kind of shot is used of the former captains of the Axiom? What in particular does it
d) Who is the most powerful character in this scene? Explain your answer.
e) Consider what this scene reveals about:
i) Power
ii) Appearance and Reality
iii) Freedom
iv) Science and Technology

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