Course Content
Year 9 English
About Lesson

Task: Write a description suggested by this picture.

Descriptive Writing Prompt (Image – People Walking in City)

Planning – choose a method.

How do we structure this?
Paragraph 1 –
Paragraph 2 –
Paragraph 3 –
Paragraph 4 –
Paragraph 5

What does it need in order to be an effective
piece of description?

Which is more effective and why?
As dusk settled, the city was still
vibrant with life. There were
plenty of shoppers still wandering
purposefully through the streets
like bees. One by one, the shop
fronts began to light up, enticing
customers in before closing time.
The city was busy. There were lots
of people still in the town centre
even though it was getting late.
Many shops were lit up yet some
had begun to close. There was a
chill in the air and the pavements
were damp.

How do we focus in on particular details?
Who is he?
What is he
Where is he going?
How is he feeling?
Does something
happen to him as
he is walking along
the street?

How do we end pieces of descriptive writing?
Zoom out. Imagine
it’s the end of the
What’s happening?

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