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Year 9 English
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Big book publisher Scholastic shares that graphic novels must tell a story “using a combination of words and pictures in a sequence across the page.” Picture books and illustrated novels typically tell a story through words, then use images to complement the story.
Superhero Stories. Non-superhero Stories. Personal Narratives.

A graphic novel is, as its name implies, a book that uses graphics to communicate the entire tale. Beginning, middle, and end can all be found in a graphic novel. Even if it’s a part of a series, a graphic book will provide the kind of conclusion that one would anticipate from a novel. As a result, a graphic novel becomes longer and more in-depth than a comic book, which is merely a serialized chapter from a greater story.All of the essential elements of traditional books are included in graphic novels. These consist of:

A definite start, middle, and end
With possible B-stories supporting the main narrative (or A-story),

A comic book is a portion of a bigger serialized story that is illustrated to tell the story. Archie Comics, Marvel Comics, and DC Comics are a few well-known comic book publishers. Since the middle of the 20th century till the present, these publishers and other businesses of a like nature have released comic books on a weekly or monthly basis, either as books or as strips of sequential art known as comics that are printed in periodicals or newspapers. Some of the stories in these comics have been ongoing for years or even decades.

Among the most well-known American comic book series are:

The Incredible Spider-Man
Marvel Woman
The Amazing Hulk
“The X-Men”
The Amazing Four
A Sandman

What Distinguishes a Graphic Novel from a Comic Book?
Fans of both genres should have no issue telling a graphic novel from a comic book, even though an unskilled reader might not be able to. Generally speaking:

Comic books are shorter than graphic novels.
Numerous genres and topics are covered by graphic novels. Comic novels may also cover these topics, but they frequently do so while interpreting them through the eyes of superheroes or heightened realities.
Whether or whether they are a part of a bigger series, graphic novels have comprehensive stories.

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