Course Content
Year 9 English
About Lesson

Images can tell a story all on their own.

To do this effectively certain techniques are used and applied to images of visual literacy.

Look at each image, illustration or photo carefully to determine how the technique has been used and what effect it has on the reader or audience.

Angle and Perspective

Angle and perspective are visual techniques used by illustrators and photographers to convey point of view.

Discuss how angle and perspective are used in this image.

Body Language and Gaze

The facial expressions, body gestures, stance and position of someone within an image can help to convey the attitude, feelings, or personality of that person.

These can also help to determine the relationship between characters.

Discuss how body language and gaze are used in this image.

Colour can be used to express and develop ideas in images, feelings and emotions, and also to try to elicit a response in the reader or viewer.

Discuss how color is used in this image.


Framing refers to the way a photograph or image is portrayed using close-ups, extreme close-ups, medium shots, long shots and tilted up or down shots. This help to create a focus and determine the importance of an image. 

Discuss how framing is used in this image.


The positioning of elements within an image will help a viewer to discern the depth and size of the setting, as well as the importance of each element and the relationships between them.

Discuss how the positioning is used in this image.


Salience refers to the part of an image that your eyes are first drawn to.

It uses elements of colour, placement, size and layout to draw that focus and determine what is most important in an image.

Discuss how salience is used in this image.


Vectors show action and direction in an image. They are the lines that our eyes take when looking at an illustration or photograph. They direct our focus and will often be shown through the character’s line of sight.

Discuss how vectors are used in this image.

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