Course Content
Year 9 English
About Lesson

Use an attention-grabbing title that will get a
reaction from your readers.

This title will get readers thinking.

Children Should Stop Watching Television!


Include an opening statement which states your
opinion and a list of arguments.

I strongly believe that watching television
is bad for children. It is not educational, it
creates laziness and increases bad behaviour.

I strongly believe – opening words

watching television – opinion

not educational – arguments 

creates laziness – arguments 

increases bad behavior. – arguments 

First main body paragraph:

This begins with your first argument,
supported with two reasons.

Firstly, it is not educational because television
involves watching, not thinking. When children are
not thinking, they are not using their imagination,
which is tragic!
A lack of thinking and imagination can
affect a child’s school work.

Firstly – time connective 

it is not educational – first argument 

which is tragic! – strong language 

affect a child’s school work. – supporting reasons 

Second main body paragraph:

This begins with your second argument,
supported with two reasons.

Secondly, excessive television watching increases
laziness. When watching television, students are sat
for long periods of time. Sitting still for a long time
can create bad habits like not wanting to play outside
which in turn can affect a child’s health, weight
and friendships.

Secondly – time connective 

laziness – second argument

not wanting to play outside – supporting reasons 

affect a child’s health, weight
and friendships. – supporting reasons 

Third main body paragraph:

This begins with your final argument,
supported with two reasons.

Finally, there are countless shows on television that
are not appropriate for children to watch. These
often show things such as swearing, being mean, bad
manners and fighting. If children watch shows that
have these things in them, it’s possible they will think
these behaviours are okay in real life.

Finally – time-connective 

shows on television that
are not appropriate for children to watch – the third argument 

they will think
these behaviours are okay in real life. – supporting reasons 

This includes restating your opinion and
summarising your arguments.

In conclusion, it’s obvious that children watch
too much television and should be stopped. This is
because children’s education, physical fitness and
behaviour are at risk. Make yourself smarter, fitter
and better behaved TODAY by not
watching television!

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