Year 7 Science (NSW Syllabus)
About Lesson
  • Classification is the process of putting things into groups. it is a skill needed in many areas of life, not only in science.

Why classify?

  • Scientists classify things to make it easier to communicate with other people.

Introducing keys

Biologists classify living things. These people are known as taxonomists, and the science of grouping and naming things is called taxonomy.

  • The simplest type of key is a dichotomous key.
  • The word dichotomous means cut in two.
  • A dichotomous key is a series of choices that leads to the identification of an object.

Living things are classified into different groups according to their


💡 Plants are different from animals because:

  • animals are mobile and plants are immobile
  • plants have cell walls
  • plants use light in a process known as photosynthesis to make food for themselves

Research activity:

💡 Define the following terms and give 2 examples of each: Autotrophs: any organism of self-nourishment by using photosynthesis or chemo-synthesis as a source of energy, most plants and certain bacteria and protists Example: Plants, lichens, and algae

Heterotrophs: an organism requiring organic compounds for its principal source of food Example: dogs, birds, fish, and humans

 💡 Nemonic help us remember complex information

North East South West can be remembered by using Never Eat Soggy Weetbix

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species –>  King’s Protect Citizens Only For Gold Stars

birds, fish, dog, cat, cow, pig, tiger, cheetah


  • Make dichotomous key for car, motorbike, fighter jet, train, passenger plane and truck
  • Make a table key for the above key.

Strong keys

Some features or characteristics are better to use in a key than others. Size, color and shape can change as an organism grows and develops, or may vary within the same kind of organism. Structural features make a much stronger key that can be used at any time, regardless of age of the organism. It is easy to construct a strong key for something like the buttons because they do not change. People and other living things do change with time and environmental conditions. If a key is to be used both now and at some time in the future then it has to use features that will not change.

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