Year 7 English

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About Course

Our year 7 English course is designed with the most up to date and industry leading resources.


Students develop their skills in reading and analysing more complex English literacy texts such as novels and poems. Students will develop their skills for analysing films and other text types such as plays, poetry and non-fiction writing.

Students must understand:

  • Vocabulary: Correctly spell and use words
  • Grammar and syntax: How to form and describe sentences and parts of speech
  • Mediums of production: The types of texts eg. Novels, films and plays etc
  • Textual form: the exact form of a textual medium, eg a first person novel.
  • The genre of a text. For example, a science fiction film or horror novel
  • Literary, rhetorical, filmic and dramatic techniques and devices
  • Context: the circumstances surrounding the context of the text. Eg Historical, economic, personal etc.

Writing/ responding

Students must learn to produce responses in a variety of modes:

  • paragraphs
  • Extended response and essays
  • feature articles
  • Speeches and presentations
  • Creative writing
  • Poetry

Self reflection

  • What you found easy
  • What you found difficult
  • What you think you did well
  • what yo think you did poorly
  • What you could do differently to improve next time

Key skills

  • reading
  • Spelling difficult words
  • Grammatical rules
  • Writing complex sentences
  • Composing paragraphs
  • Constructing narratives
  • Giving short speeches and presentations
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Course Content

Biographies, diaries, and life writing
In this topic students explore and learn about their own and the life stories of others. Language - variation and change in historical texts -development through understanding features (nouns, verbs and adjectives) - Structure of biographies - cultural identity Literacture - contextual exploration of cultural details in texts - perspectives about people - recognition of challenges depicted in texts recognition of the compression of language - creation by transforming and experimenting with modelled diaries, journals, autobiographies and personal writing Literacy - Interaction with others through using performance, discussion and interviewing skills, and by delivering presentations - incorporating multimode elements - evaluation of the text structures, language features and ideas contained within a variety of texts - creation of imaginative informative and persuasive texts including a procedure, narratives, reports and performances

  • Diaries and Journals Introduction
  • The Diary of Anne Frank
  • An exerpt from the diary of Anne Frank
  • life writing – Activity 1
  • What is a Biography?
  • Biography sentence starters
  • Biography Research Template
  • Biography – Dorothea Mackellar
  • Biography – Mary MacKillop
  • Autobiography Extract
  • Biography – Ash Barty
  • Dystopian Fiction
  • Dystopian Fiction Agree or Disagree?
  • Introduction to Shakespeare Lesson 1: Development of the English Language
  • Development of the English Language – task
  • Theatre Rules – Introduction to Shakespeare Lesson 2: Elizabethan Theatre


Grammar , parts of speech , Tenses
What Is Grammar? We've all heard about the importance of basic grammar skills, whether on papers we turned in that are marked up with red pen, or because we're teaching young kids about how to construct sentences. This is why it's important for us to go over how grammar actually works in the English language and some exercises we can give students to work on their own grammar. Grammar is the breaking down of the building blocks, or parts of speech, in language, and the use of those pieces to form complete sentences. In this lesson, we will identify the eight primary parts of speech, look at their functions, and practice using them.

Reading Comprehension, articles , media


Punctuation and writing
We write so that we can communicate in different ways. Writing means we can do things like send messages, share information, leave notes and show our learning. Our writing can help us with things like making a to-do list, learning in lessons or passing information on to someone else. Writing can also be used for pleasure, like writing stories or a diary. We need writing in our everyday lives and we need to know how to follow the rules of writing so that we can communicate effectively.

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